
Monday, April 22, 2019

Heroine by Mindy McGinnis, 432 pages

This book is powerful, heartbreaking, raw, gut-wrenching... so many things. Heroine tackles the tough subject of addiction, and really puts it into perspective that addiction doesn't target just one type of person. The main character of this book is Mickey, a successful high-school softball player who is aspiring to play in college. Those dreams seemingly fly out the window when Mickey is injured in a car accident. Prescribed Oxycontin for her pain, Mickey realizes that she can get back to her normal life quicker if she takes an extra pill here and there. But, she's not an addict- she's just doing what's best for her recovery path. When the pills run out, Mickey runs into a woman who sells Oxycontin on the side. She decides to buy from her, just so that she can hopefully heal in time for softball season. Mickey is aware of the opioid epidemic in her small town, but that's not her. Her doctor prescribed her Oxy, so it's completely fine if she's still taking it. As the book goes on, you slowly, painfully watch as Mickey becomes addicted to drugs, unaware of what's happening to herself. I'm always looking for books that scare me, and this book truly did. It is horrifying to me how easily someone can become addicted to something that was originally prescribed by a doctor. I think this book is such a great read, and so eye-opening.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Fallout by Sara Paretsky, 304 pages

I have no good excuse as to why it took me so long to read "Fallout."  This is book #18 in Paretsky's V.I. Warshawski mystery series.  V.I. is a tough and smart female private investigator based in Chicago.  In this outing she travels to Lawrence, KS to find an aging actress and her young biographer who have disappeared from Chicago.

As usual Paretsky delivers smart writing, an engaging fast-paced story and plenty (but not too much) grit.  Happily, in the time it took me to get around to reading this one Sara Paretsky has published another V.I. Warshawski novel.  "Shell Game" is on deck to be read darned soon!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides, 336 pages

I was surprised by how much I liked this book at the end, because I was about to give it up about half-way through. The Silent Patient is a slow-burner, with a very explosive, twisty ending, so I'm glad I stuck with it. This is the type of thriller that really doesn't have much going on until that major twist in the end, which I feel is so risky because if you consider yourself an armchair detective like myself, you risk spoiling the entire story if you figure it out early on. I, thankfully, didn't figure it out like that with this one, and was genuinely surprised and shocked by the ending.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Drowning by J.P. Smith, 336 pages

This book was so creepy! I think this would be a great summer read, as it's based around a creepy old summer camp that has a dark, sinister history surrounding it. I really liked this book and haven't been able to put it down for the last two days. The main character, Alex, was horrible, but that's intentional on the author's part. I do wish that the ending gave more closure, but that's my only complaint! There were lots of twists in the story that made me think I was on the right path, and then another twist would come in and completely throw me off.

Never Have I Ever by Joshilyn Jackson, 352 pages

Never Have I Ever is a domestic thriller that is scheduled to be published in July 2019. I decently enjoyed this book, but I did find it a little too unrealistic for my liking. There is a major twist, though, that saved the whole thing for me! Unfortunately, I found the characters really unlikable and frustrating to no end. My main issue with this book was that the plot had such potential, and the author went an entirely wrong direction with it, in my opinion.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Since We Last Spoke by Brenda Ruffener, 287 pages

This was a hard book to read subject wise but you know that's a possibility by the blurb on the back.  I kept putting the book down but then almost instantly picking it back up because I had to know what happened. I didn't cry until the end of the book at which point I started sobbing. It's the type of book that I hope everyone will read. It brings to light things people don't always want to talk about but should. Grief should never be bottled up. Teen readers and adults readers will both get a lot from this book.