The person who recommended I read "Goodnight June" warned me that Sara Jio is a romance author. Romance is not my favorite genre, I think I burned myself out on it when I was younger by graduating to Harlequins and Kathleen Woodiwiss from Judy Blume.
However, "Goodnight June" can also be classified in one of my favorite sub-genres, "books about books" so I wanted to give it a shot. It was a little too much of a pat romance for me to truly enjoy, but I also really liked the "book about a book" part. The novel is a fictionalized account about how the book "Goodnight Moon" came about.
June Andersen is an unhappy banker in New York when she finds out that her great-aunt Ruby left her a children's bookstore in Seattle called Bluebird Books. June travels to Seattle to completely close out the bookstore and discovers her aunt was a good friend of Margaret Wise Brown, the author of the beloved children's book "Goodnight Moon." June also rediscovers her own connection with the bookstore and ends up trying to find a way to keep it open. (Notice how I am not evening mentioning that pesky romance part?)
HA! I hate pesky romances, too!