
Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Effects of Light by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore 349 pages

I finished this book because I wanted to know how it ended and what led up to the tragedies that occur in the lives of the characters.  I tried to read ahead and not sit through the whole thing, but that was unsuccessful, too much detail would have been left out and I still would have had unanswered questions.

There are still a lot of pieces missing but without giving a lot of the plot away, I will not include that information in this write up.

In short, two sisters grow up being photographed (in the nude) by a family friend named Ruth.  The girls’ mother died when they were very young and they are being raised by David, their permissive father.  Eventually, of course, the girls mature and questions arise as to whether the photographs are pornographic or pure art.

The story is told alternatively by the two sisters. Part of the story is in the present and part of the story is set in the past.  Some questions of choice and free will are posed in the story but a lot of the book is tedious going. After all is said and done I would not recommend this book.

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