
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris 275 pages

I am not always in the right frame of mind to read David Sedaris but when I am, I always enjoy what I find. Usually there is at least one piece that has me laughing out loud.  Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls was no disappointment.  The laugh out loud came during Now Hiring Friendly People, but there were plenty of other smiles and grins throughout the book. 

#2 to Go was full of eye opening information to me.  I have never traveled to China (and hope I never have a need to do so) and some of the conditions and habits Sedaris described in that piece were pretty raw and disgusting.

Sedaris goes back again and again to his childhood, quoting his parents and describing their bizarre behavior.  Did his dad really come home from work every night and take off his pants, and sometimes his shirt, and spend the evening attired in only his underpants?

In Loggerheads, when a neighbor dies, Sedaris’ father tells the widow that her sons will need a positive male influence and he’ll be happy to provide what help he can, but his mother says, he’ll ignore them, “just like he does with his own damn kids.”

Overall, I loved this book and would highly recommend it.

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