
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Unremarried Widow by Artis Henderson 238 pages

Unremarried Widow by Artis Henderson is the story of her love affair and marriage to Miles Henderson, and the story of his death in a helicopter accident.  It is also the story of her life after his death and the story of her encounters with the Army and Army life.

The book is a fascinating read, one which reads like fiction at times.  The young couple have different backgrounds, goals, religious beliefs, and different takes on patriotism, but somehow, they share a deep love.  Part of Artis’ difficulty, when she and Miles are just starting out, is accepting Army life and the structure and the order demanded of her as an Army wife. 

What she rebels against about the Army is also what might have given her solace after her husband’s death.  She finds this out after a long time of grieving on her own.

A part of the book that is unresolved is the investigation undertaken by the widow of the other pilot in the crash that killed Miles.  It is her contention that the reports are muddled and the circumstances of the accident unclear.  She desperately wants to believe that the pilots were not at fault.  Artis’ response to this investigation is quite interesting, I felt.

Henderson’s writing is brilliant.  I highly recommend this book.

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