
Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Devil's Tickets by Gary M. Pomerantz 293 Pages

The full title of this book is "The Devil's Tickets: A Night of Bridge, a Fatal Hand and a New American Age."  This is a non-fiction tale of a well-to-do couple, Myrtle and Jack Bennett, who lived on the Plaza in Kansas City in 1929.  Myrtle shot and killed Jack after a night of drinking and a game of bridge with friends.  The book is also about the bridge craze in America during the 1920s and 1930s and the famous bridge couple, Ely and Jo Culbertson.  In fact, there are all kinds of interesting people in this book, including Senator James Reed, who defended Myrtle at her murder trial and his own love on the side, the famous Nelly Donnelly.

The book may be non-fiction, but it is an easy and fun read and makes me want to try my hand at bridge, but maybe NOT with my husband as my partner.  Want to hear a tasty tidbit?  Jack Bennett's "other woman" lived in St. Joseph, and wouldn't it be fun to know who that was?

Gary Pomerantz does a great job of wrapping up the story and telling us about what happened later with all the main characters.  I'm recommending this one to others and thanks to Judge Connett for bringing it to my attention.

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